Week Notes

The early part of the week went by with a blur. We had a mild week, temperature-wise. If I recall correctly, a grand total of two unmissable blue-sky days. And now the sky’s dumping snow on us again. The grass nowhere to be seen. Thump thump thump every few seconds as the snow, now too heavy to be held in one spot on the roof, slides off and falls onto the patio.


I’m making progress at work on the much-needed conversation around my temporary relocation at the end of March. Amicable conversations are generally helpful and I want this transition to be as un-stressful as possible for everyone involved. The last thing I want to do is to cause tension because of the choices I made so I am treading very cautiously here.


Lunar New Year started this weekend. Most of the people I know in my life are deep in the usual celebrations. I remember so very clearly how I was there last year, with J in tow (for the first time!). I miss the festivities and getting together with family and friends, and I miss hotpot. Looking at pictures -> a case of FOMO.

The saving grace was calling my mum while she with our extended family and getting to say hi, catching a glimpse of the faces of all those relatives I’ve not seen for a long time + sending/receiving blessings. I don’t always realize how many years have passed and how old I am getting, but I clearly see how old many of my aunties and uncles are and sometimes this sits heavily on my chest. They’ve always been 40-ish to me, and then suddenly they are 70. I want to always remember to cherish my time with my loved ones.


In other news, I started eating meat again this week. I’ve been pescatarian for the past three years, eating mostly plants, eggs, and the occasional seafood. Why stop? And why start again? Both stories are long and personal. Maybe one day I will go into it here. The short answer for now: for health reasons.

Sometimes dietary choices can kick up so much dust - it’s unbelievable. I love food, and unsurprisingly, food has been the doorway to so many things I’ve come to care about — cultures, history, connection to land. I believe it is important for us to come to terms with our own relationship with food. Even when I was eating meat previously, I realized I’ve never shopped for meat or cooked meat on the pan myself, ever. I found myself on Google and Youtube trying to understand cuts of meat, how to thaw meat safely, how to brown meat, best storage methods, recipes… all that was new to me. The first meal I made? Beef Chili. It was emotional, and it also felt good knowing thatI was taking care of myself.

February 11, 2024